Saturday, September 09, 2023

Notes Today:
  • Climate Change Could Drown China’s Food Security 
  • China has a fifth of the world’s population but just 9 percent of its arable land and that bit is increasingly underwater.
  • Dubai days are so hot that its beaches now stay open all night, with floodlights (Burning oil) illuminating the sand for beachgoers.
  • Phoenix breaks heat record as city hits 110F for the 54th consecutive day..
  • For $4,850, You Can Now Bypass TSA Lines at Atlanta’s Airport.
  • There is an average of 9,728 planes carrying 1,270,406 passengers in the sky at any given time.


Problem with these notes: some tend to run up against a deeply rooted feature of human cognition - the desire not to think about anything unpleasant…Sorry about that.


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