- (Economist) There are now 400 extreme weather events every year, four times as many as in 1970.
- And let’s not forget Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a pioneering climate denier.
- (WPO) The Pacific bluefin population has been depleted by more than 97 percent from its historic high, because of overfishing.
- (Bloomberg) China is working on a timetable to end production and ban sales of fossil fuel cars in electric vehicle push.
- (Economist) Republicans only want to tax profits earned at home, removing the incentive to stash foreign earnings. Cutting taxes on profits earned abroad would be a pointless giveaway. The government may as well write shareholders a cheque.
- (CNN) In other news: 6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings.
- Facebook (after several denials) says Russians may have bought $100,000 in political ads.
- (NYT) Russian fingerprints are on thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that posted anti-Clinton messages
- For sale/rent a SEX robot which "moans" when its boobs are massaged. If technology is replacing the oldest profession what jobs are next??
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