Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quick Overview

  • U.S. consumer prices rose 0.1% in November

  • (Guardian) Time’s poll found that almost six out 10 Americans believe Assange should face criminal charges for releasing the cables.

  • U.S. industrial output rose 0.4%, the biggest gain since July.

  • The DOE said:
  • Crude oil supplies fell 9.85 million barrels to 346 million last week. Stockpiles were forecast to decrease by 2.5 million barrels.
  • Gasoline supplies rose 809,000 barrels to 214.8 million.
  • Refineries operated at 88% of capacity.
  • Distillate supplies rose 1.09 million barrels to 161.3 million.

  • (Bloomberg) Silver, the leading performer in metals this year, is likely to repeat its success in 2011, reaching $40 an ounce on new applications and industry demand, said the head of commodity trading in Japan at Standard Bank Plc.

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