Thursday, February 13, 2025

Notes today 

  • (Bloomberg) -- Robinhood Markets Inc. reported revenue that more than doubled as the online-trading firm was buoyed by crypto-market transactions around the US presidential election.


  • US inflation unexpectedly increased to 3 per cent in January.
  • John Rosenow, a Wis­con­sin dairy farmer, says that if Don­ald Trump deports all undoc­u­mented ali­ens, Amer­ic­ans will have to get used to a whole new diet.

Problem with these notes: some tend to run up against a deeply rooted feature of human cognition - the desire not to think about anything unpleasant…Sorry about that.

"Everything will be all right. And, even if it won't be, we'll have the consolation of having lived honest lives." Alexei Navalny


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