Sunday, February 02, 2025

 Gold at all time high

Notes today 

  • Financial markets have lived with a potential US-led trade war for months - so starting this evening it will be time to deal with reality.

  • Bloomberg: Soybean and corn plants hit by a drought on the Argentine Pampas are in worse shape than public forecasts say, according to an analysis of satellite imagery.
  • So far market (S&P) not overly happy. 2/2/2025     3.05 pm (PT)

  • Mexican Peso

  • Canadian $ 

Problem with these notes: some tend to run up against a deeply rooted feature of human cognition - the desire not to think about anything unpleasant…Sorry about that.

"Everything will be all right. And, even if it won't be, we'll have the consolation of having lived honest lives." Alexei Navalny