Friday, December 18, 2020

Notes Today: 

  •  Boris Johnson summoned ministers for an emergency meeting on Friday to discuss how to tackle mounting concerns about the new strain of coronavirus identified in parts of south-east England. The variant is thought to be more infectious. 
  •  The U.S. current-account deficit, rose 10.6% in Q3
  • Senator Ron Johnson blocks $1,200 checks for Americans cites the deficit. No deficit problem when he voted for tax cuts for the top 1%

  • Fed allows banks to resume share buybacks
  • Do you think the money Rupert Murdoch paid to get first in line in getting a vaccine came from his Fox profits for the ratings they got telling their viewers COVID is a hoax and that the vaccine is bad? @kurteichenwald asks.
  • The defense bill Trump is threatening to veto contains cyber security to protect against Russian hacks.
  • Germany's  VW falling a bit behind Tesla. Well, perhaps more than a bit.

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