As the planet sizzles, many Americans have gone from not caring to glazing over, from indifference to fatigue.
Spend twenty minutes per week browsing Investment Tools and you will be better informed than most financial experts!
There’s such scant funding for mutation surveillance that one lab in Minnesota with equipment, staff and protocols in place since the beginning of the pandemic spent over a year applying for grants. It even went so far as to try crowd-funding to start doing sequencing. The lab sat underused for all of that time, despite a widespread consensus that mutation hunting is critical work necessary to ending this pandemic and preventing future ones.
Under one, termed business as usual, or BAU2, growth would stall and combine with population collapse. The other, termed comprehensive technology (CT), modeled stalled economic growth without social collapse. Both scenarios “show a halt in growth within a decade or so from now,” the study says, adding, that “pursuing continuous growth, is not possible.”
Sustainability is the answer, she says.
Herbert Stein "Trends that can't continue won't." in 1974
# of civilian Planes currently in the air..
Brazil coffee frost sparks default fears,
crop recovery may take years
An unusual cold snap here, with temperatures dropping to freezing levels in a matter of minutes on the morning of July 20, delivered a blow to the heart of Brazil's coffee belt, damaging trees and harming prospects for next year's crop.
The Brazilian sugarcane crop has been moving at a slower pace compared with the prior 2020-21 crop cycle, as the current crop has been suffering the effects of severe dry conditions.
As a reference, sugar production from April 1 to July 1 added 12.2 million tons, down 8.16%, or nearly 1.1 million tons, year on year.
Despite the scenario of reduced sugar production and strong concerns about further crop losses, the wide carry strategy has triggered the collapse in the Brazilian cash premium to prompt shipment.
Republicans signal major fight coming on debt ceiling. $28.5 trillion debt was added to the national debt during Trump – now they want democrats to figure out how to pay for it.
The CME now has a micro-Crude contract. Symbol mcl and it is 100 barrels. 1/10 the regular contract.
British Columbia declared a state of emergency as the fires snarl transportation and supply chains. Lumber futures rose. However do-it-yourself renovation demand has dropped by a reported 40% at big-box retailers.
Majority of Covid misinformation came from 12 people, report finds
CCDH finds ‘disinformation dozen’ have combined following of 59 million people across multiple social media platforms.
I remember well when the CPI first hit 5%, and the Fed called it "transitory" and rates went to 13%. I also remember Sugar going from some 2 cents to 66 cents. Funny thing history - much to remember...
Below Fed Funds Rate minus CPI
And the latest Covid leaders are? Florida "leading" and Texas!
As Covid cases rise in Florida, Governor DeSantis digs at Fauci with merchandise .. But perhaps the merchandise with the best sales potential are the drink koozies and T-shirts that say “Don’t Fauci My Florida”.
The results are something of an eye-opener. Their simulations accurately reproduce the wealth distribution in the real world. But the wealthiest individuals are not the most talented (although they must have a certain level of talent). They are the luckiest.
Latest Dow Theory Prediction:
Should the DJI close below 33,165 "and" the DJT close below 14,413 our Dow Theory interpretation will be bearish.