Monday, May 30, 2022

What Are Financial Market Stress Indexes Showing?
This divergence could be signaling an elevated level of financial market risk—and thus higher levels of financial market stress—that normally accompanies periods of Fed tightening.


When Crypto's Tulipmania Meets The Real Economy

They often involve complex financial structures stringing together several Delaware-based LLCs with little legal recourse and high counterparty risk. 

see Taleb below

or check out Molly White

Sunday, May 29, 2022

 Latest Fed Model

Current Fear

Notes today:


  • Canadian dollar rallies as current account surplus hits 14-year high 
  • At this point, any presentation of bitcoin as an inflation hedge, crisis protection, transactional currency, or repository of value is purely hallucinatory & deserves locking up the perpetrator to prevent further self-harm.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb @nntaleb (author of Black Swan) BitCoin to 0

Speculators have plowed more than 40 Billion into crypto start ups since 2021

  • Vietnam Tourist Arrivals Climb 1,274% YoY in May 
  • Europe’s unity ‘crumbling’ on Russia sanctions, Germany warns. 

  • India has decided to restrict the sale of sugar on international markets, just days after it banned wheat exports. 

Realtor .com Reports Weekly Inventory Up 9% YoY  (real estate)

Quick Overview
is up to date

Saturday, May 21, 2022




Quick Overview is up to date

Notes today:

  • Economist: Almost 40% of African-Americans under 40 own cryptocurrency, compared with 29% of whites. 

  • Lagarde reiterated her concerns over cryptocurrencies & desire for regulation: "My very humble assessment is that it is worth nothing, it is based on nothing, there is no underlying asset to act as an anchor of safety," Lagarde said in an interview on Dutch TV. 

  • Russia bans 963 Americans, including Biden and Harris — but not Trump!
  • “Russia also named former senators John McCain, Harry M. Reid, and Orrin G. Hatch as among the current or ex-lawmakers barred from entering the country, even though they are all dead.” 

Well, maybe the crypto skeptics are wrong. But on the question of folly and gullibility, the answer is yes, we can.

For as long as the price of an offset remains below $20, cattle farming in the Amazon will remain attractive.

Sunday, May 08, 2022


Quick Overview
is up to date


Forever chemicals’ may have polluted 20m acres of US cropland, study says

PFAS-tainted sewage sludge is used as fertilizer in fields and report finds that about 20m acres of cropland could be contaminated

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Our Dow Theory Opinion:

On 2/22/2022 our view of Dow Theory turned to bearish . Currently our view will return to bullish when the DJI closes above 35342, and the DJT close above 16577.