- The International Monetary Fund’s gold holdings fell 15.25 metric tons in May, according to figures from the Washington-based lender’s website.
- The Chicago Purchasing Managers' index fell from 59.7 to 59.1 in June
- U.S. mortgage applications rose 12.6% last week
- MoM Germany's unemployment rate improved from 7.7% to 7.5%
- YoY Japan’s housing starts fell 4.6% in May
- MoM China’s purchasing managers index fell to 52.1 from 53.9
- The U.S. Department of Energy said:
Supplies of crude oil fell 2.0 million barrels last week to 363.1 million barrels.
Supplies of gasoline rose 500,000 barrels
Supplies of distillates rose 2.5 million barrels.
Gasoline demand rose 1.5%
Distillate demand rose 10.9%
- The USDA estimated the 2010 planted area for:
Corn at 87.87 million acres, up almost 2% YoY
Soybeans at 78.87 million acres, up 2% YoY
All wheat at 54.31 million acres, down 8% YoY
Spring wheat at 13.91 million acres, up 5% YoY
Cotton at 10.91 million acres, up 19% YoY
Oats 3.176 million (the lowest on record)
Rice at 3.512 million acres up from 3.411 million
As of June 1, the USDA estimates stocks of:
Corn at 4.31 billion bushels -- up 1% YoY
Soybeans at 571 million bushels -- down 4% YoY
All wheat at 973 million bushels -- up 48% YoY
Rice at 57.4 million hundredweight -- up from 48.4 YoY